Monday, July 17, 2006


It's raining. Thunder is sounding everywhere. The clouds are as black as night.

Where is graduation? Where is the Senior Banquet? Where are times I spent with friends and teachers? Where is my childhood...? Where is my childhood....

I buried it. It died on June 9th 2006.

I'm in a different land. I have a different house. I'm going to move again. 4th time this year, 7th time in the past year and a half. I'll move again a month after that. Whoever said that a place that affected you only counted if you lived in the place 6 months was full of bs. I am affected. Profoundly. I just realized that since last year, my heart became hard. I am now a bitter person.

It is not helped that I am now in a land full of everything that I and a few others were fighting against at CAJ: Apathy. Ignorance. A teeny-bop culture where shallow is beautiful, and depth is hard to find.

To tell you the complete truth... I have no clue what to think. About anything. I feel like a chunk of me is gone. I feel confused, and I can't get my thoughts together. I'm having trouble speaking. I can't express thought out loud on account of the time it takes to think about what I need to say.

In other news, I just got back from Caswell N.C. attending a mission conference that I didn't really take part in accept for the worship which was, if I may say, phenominal despite the fact that I wasn't capable of feeling anything, much less carrying on thought. The speaker was great, and worship music was led by none other than Todd Agnew, who was a breathe of fresh air in a country full of a stale smell.

I wish the clouds would part...